1. What purpose do I want my website to serve?

  • Will I be simply showcasing my products/services in a simple online brochure site or do I want my site to be a fully fledged online business?
  • Will I be selling something online?
  • Who will be my target market?
  • Will I be using blogs, email marketing campaigns, photo galleries?
  • Do I want to host searchable content, or to allow customers upload content?

2. What is my budget?

  • We can tailor the size and complexity of your site to suit your budget and purpose​

3. Do I have photographs and images for my site?

  • Do you have photographs of your products, premises, before and after shots?
  • If not we can photograph your products for you and design a logo for you.
  • Alternatively, we can arrange purchasing images online or suggest a photographer.

4. Does your business have a logo/branding already?

If not, talk to us about our logo design and branding services

5. Will you be wanting to update the website myself?

  • Rangs can provide a hosting service which allows you to update content on your site.
  • We will also train you to do so, taking you through the necessary steps. If you intend to update your site regularly we recommend this. However, if your updates aren't frequent, you'll find it more efficient to contact us and we'll make the changes for you.

5. What will the pages content of the website be?

Determining the purpose of your website, will provide an idea of what pages you will need and the content for each page. We can assist you with this during the briefing process.

  • You know your product best, so it's up to you to provide us with the text you'd like to see on each page, however, we're always happy to make suggestions if you're stuck and we can assist with copy writing if required.
  • Providing us with a text document (e.g. in Word or Notebook) with each page's content clearly labeled will make the process a lot more efficient and less expensive for you.
  • Remember, you can continue to change page content once the website is live, so the first version need not be the final.

6. Do I have to be in Perth?

No, we can work entirely by email and phone to create your site. Once we begin to build the site we'll update it to a temporary location on the internet so you can check the progress online. Rangs works with many interstate and international clients. All you need to work with us is a phone and internet connection.

7. Other costs associated with Websites

Other than the cost to design and build your site these are an indication of other costs involved:

  • Hosting - Website hosting is an annual fee. It's the Real Estate for your site, so if you don't have it, there's nowhere for your site to live. Hosting comes in many shapes and sizes and starts from around $250 per year. We will suggest a hosting platform appropriate to your budget your website's required functionality once we've taken you brief.
  • Domain Names - start from around $24 per year. You can do a quick search for available names at: https://www.webcity.com.au/
  • Photography / Sourcing stock photography images (if needed) will incur a cost of approximately $15 per image license.
  • Maintenance and updates - We don't charge a fixed monthly maintenance fee but will quote on updates that require work from us on a case by case basis. The maintenance of the technical side of the website is included in the hosting charge.

Website Tips